Chemistry Clips

These clips from The Simpsons cartoons are intended for use by science teachers. They should be previewed before showing to ensure they are appropriate for the intended student audience. It is recommended that you download and archive each clip that you would like to use. To do this, right click on the clip and select “Save Video As…”. On a Mac, try control-click. They are a great way to liven up a slide presentation and should import into PowerPoint etc.. The posting and use of theses clips for educational purposes conforms with the fair use provisions of the copyright act.

Complete Periodic Table (0:29) – Lisa is jealous about the science facilities at the private school including the periodic table that has 250 elements.

Conservation of Mass (0:12) – Homer sneaks out on a Saturday claiming he needs to go to the nuclear plant to count the atoms.

Zinc Film (1:16) – A nostalgic look at 16 mm science films. A chemistry teacher could almost fool their students with this when teaching metals Vs non-metals.

Salt Melts Ice (1:06) – Homer rescues the snowbound school by inadvertently knocking over a salt silo.

Acid Rain (1:01) – What do you get when you combine the exhaust from the steel mill, the smoke factory, and the day care center with rain? Acid rain of course.

Dino Sponge (0:38) – Bart is disappointed by the expansion of his new toy. This is for chemistry teachers and their water absorbing polymer lab.

Journey to the Sun (1:12) – After finding out they are on their way to the Sun instead of Mars, Homer and Bart bail out to face the vacuum of space instead. This would not happen to a human exposed to a vacuum.